{"title":"21st-century 3D printing merges Murano glassmaking tradition with this new light fixture","author_name":"Yanko Design","author_url":"https://www.youtubeom/channel/UCVohuIZpji5uTdzychBxKcw","type":"video","height":"591","width":"1050","version":"1.0","provider_name":"YouTube","provider_url":"https://www.youtubeom/","thumbnail_height":"360","thumbnail_width":"480","thumbnail_url":"https://i.ytimgom/vi/9aiZuUZFeXM/hqdefault.jpg","html":"<iframe width="1050" height="591" src="https://www.youtubeom/embed/9aiZuUZFeXM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>","arve_cachetime":"2021-03-05 09:06:54","arve_url":"https://youtu.be/9aiZuUZFeXM","arve_srcset":"https://i.ytimgom/vi/9aiZuUZFeXM/mqdefault.jpg 320w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/9aiZuUZFeXM/hqdefault.jpg 480w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/9aiZuUZFeXM/sddefault.jpg 640w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/9aiZuUZFeXM/maxresdefault.jpg 1280w"}
Light fixtures have the potential to give your room the accent piece needed to completely open it up with just the right amount of warm, soft light or bursts of ample, bright light. Designing new and unique light fixtures is no easy feat though and the designers behind HorizON, a suspension lamp with an elliptical form designed and constructed in Italy’s glass-making capital, Murano, took it upon themselves to completely reimagine the future of lighting design.
On the inspiration behind HorizON, the designers say, “HorizON lamp is based on the belief that the industry of the next years won’t only evolve through a constant, technological upgrade of products, but reconsider values such as uniqueness, hand-making, and even ‘imperfection.’” Through HorizON, the creators reconsider design values by transmuting classic, craftsman artistry with 21st-century technological capabilities. HorizON’s final product is comprised of two main parts: a glass bubble crafted through a tried-and-true glassmaking tradition that enwraps its 3D-printed , LED-filled centerpiece.
HorizON’s ultimate glass bubble forms from two separate halves that are individually shaped, ground, and polished by hand in order to resemble two individual, transparent petals. Sculpting the glass petals into their final forms takes upwards of two days to finish. Once the hot glass is shaped and ground into a flower petal, the glassmakers take at least one day for the glass to cool down before polishing it to completion. The glassmaker utilizes CNC-milled molds in order to produce the wavy, dangling glass. CNC-milled molds follow a sculpting process that essentially chisels away at masses of the desired material, which emphasizes both meticulousness through learned craftsmanship and freeform thanks to the human touch. Through this handmade design and construction process, each final piece of artwork is distinct and filled with sought-after imperfections. In between the two glass petals hovers the fixture’s 3D-printed core, which illuminates come night from integrated LED lighting mechanisms.
The bright light emanates from inside golden clouds that meet the outer edges of the 3D-printed core’s semi-transparent, nylon lining. Internal cavities dot the design’s core and offer unique glimmers of light and shadows for your room that change with each manufactured HorizON suspension lamp. Love is in the imperfections with this suspended light fixture design and thankfully, there are as many imperfections as there are reasons for them.
Designers: Arturo Tedeschi , Michael Pryor and Pavlina Vardoulaki

LED strip: 3.5 mm/24V/3000K, Lamp’s total weight: 2kg