*Items pictured but not listed here are not sourceable. Items similar to vintage and antique pieces shown are often available from the dealers listed. (T) means the item is available only to the trade.

Sitting Pretty
Interiors by Clements Design; clementsdesignom ; and Waldo’s Design; waldosdesignom . In the bedroom’s sitting room, custom sofa upholstered in a vintage linen from Brenda Antin Antiques; 323-934-5247. Antique silk pillows from Richard Shapiro Studiolo; studioloom . In the art studio, 19th-century French chaise from Lee Stanton; leestantonom . 1930s French woodworker’s stool from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Vintage adjustable painter’s easel and 1950s Industrial Clamp Lamp by Jean Louis Domecq for Jielde Lyon; both 1stdibom . Painted floor by Kaki Foley; instagramom/kakifoley . Kitchen cabinets painted in Benjamin Moore’s Garden Cucumber; benjaminmooreom . Sink fittings in unlacquered brass by Waterworks; waterworkom . Copper pots from Nickey Kehoe; nickeykehoeom . Pierre Jeanneret bleached teak stools from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Custom sofas covered in Lee Jofa’s Jarah fabric in cocoa; leejofaom . Vintage pillows from Richard Shapiro Studiolo; studioloom ; Pat McGann; patmcganngallerom ; and Brenda Antin Antiques; 323-934-524. Antique pine tabletop from Oz Shop; ozshop.design . Ottoman with ebonized wooden frame and burlap upholstery, aluminum and leather chairs by Mats Theselius, and 18th-century Swedish hutch all from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Antique metal wall sconce with glass shade from Rose Tarlow; rosetarloom . Merino wool shag rug in Ivory from Woven; woven.is . 18th-century hand-painted Italian panels from John Nelson Antiques; johnnelsonantiqueom . Custom sofa upholstered in a vintage linen from Brenda Antin Antiques; 323-934-5247. Antique silk pillows from Richard Shapiro Studiolo; studioloom . Vintage French lounge chairs from Galerie Half; galeriehalom ; covered in an alpaca boucle from Rosemary Hallgarten; rosemaryhallgartenom . Custom curtains of Flight of Fancy in alabaster by Holly Hunt; hollyhunom ; and Colfosco in cream by Steven Harsey; harseom . In dining room, a Portuguese-style walnut and oak dining table from Lucca Antiques; luccaantiqueom . Console table and 1930s Axel Einar Hjorth chairs from Lief; liefalmonom . Antique Kerman rug from Lawrence of La Brea; lawrenceoflabreaom . In hall, 18th-century Swedish bench from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Vintage Malayer wool rug in blue and beige from Lawrence of La Brea. In fitting room, vintage Malayer rug from Lawrence of La Brea; lawrenceoflabreaom . On terrace, custom teak double daybed in a Perennials fabric; perennialsfabricom . French iron dining table with slate top from Lucca Antiques; luccaantiqueom . Late 19th-century chairs from La Maison Francaise; lmfantiqueom . In bedroom sitting area, Kender rug in ivory from Lawrence of La Brea; lawrenceoflabreaom . In bath, mirror and fixtures by Waterworks; waterworkom . Mosaic tiles by Badia Design; badiadesignom . Vintage Giuseppe Ostuni copper sconce from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . In bedroom, headboard upholstered in Primitive Linen in garlic by de Le Cuona; delecuonaom . Custom bed pillow in Sandra Jordan fabric; sandrajordanom . Cylinder Moderne Lamp with off-white Vellum Shade by Rose Tarlow; rosetarloom . Swedish 18th-century bench from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Sheepskin lounge chair from Lief; liefalmonom . Leather foot stool from Waldo’s Designs; w aldosdesignom . Custom curtains of Flight of Fancy in alabaster by Holly Hunt; hollyhunom ; and Colfosco in cream by Steven Harsey; harseom . Antique rug from Brenda Antin Antiques; 323-934-5247. In bath, brass tub by Catchpole & Rye; catchpoleandryeom . Wood stump chair from Waldo’s Designs; waldosdesignom . 19th-century Chinese bookshelf from Lief; liefalmonom . Antique Ghiordes rug from Woven; woven.is . In office, English mahogany wing chair covered in Spitalfields Silk by Clarke and Reilly from Blackman Cruz; blackmancruom . Carved marble stool from Orange Furniture; orangefurnitureom . Mashhad antique wool rug with medallion motif in beige and blue from Lawrence of La Brea; lawrenceoflabreaom . In art studio, custom shelves designed by Clements Design; clementsdesignom ; and Waldo’s Designs; waldosdesignom . Antique sycamore country house table on original double iron wheels from Obsolete; obsoleteincom . Ebonized library ladder from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Armchair by Axel Einar Hjorth from Lief; liefalmonom . In outdoor sitting area, concrete garden chair and Willy Guhl Loop Chair, both from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Custom fountain made of antique French stone architectural elements from Oz Shop; ozshop.design .
Estate of Grace
On boudoir walls, fabric by Braquenié; pierrefreom . On table, plates by Dior Maison; diorom ; glassware by Biot; verreriebioom . On alcove bed and walls, fabric by Braquenié; pierrefreom . On salon walls, fabric by Simrane; simraneom . In kitchen, chairs from Asiatides; asiatideom ; fabrics by Simrane; simraneom . In garden, deck chairs by Tectona; tectonaet . On salon walls, fabric by Simrane; simraneom . In guestroom, fabrics by Simrane; simraneom . Bedcover by Simrane; simraneom . In sitting room, on upholstered furniture Emanual Ungaro for Etro; etroom . Cabinet from Galerie Stéphane Olivier; stephaneoliverr . On daughter’s bedroom walls, fabric by Colefax and Fowler; cowtanom . Linens and bedside lamp from Zara Home; zarahomeom .
Coming of Age
Interiors by Paris Grant; parisgranom . Architecture by Rogers McCagg Architects; rm-arcom . In living room, antique sofa upholstered in a Colefax & Fowler silk; cowtanom . In kitchen, antique cherry dining table; susansilverantiqueom . Chairs and chest from Cupboards & Roses Swedish Antiques; cupboardsandroseom . In library, antique French seating in a striped fabric by Peter Fasano; peterfasanoom . In living room, sofa and bench in a Peter Fasano velvet; peterfasanoom . 19th-century Aubusson carpet; warpandwefom . 1850s chandelier from Carlos de la Puente antiques; delapuenteantiqueom . Ceiling painted in Ecru by Benjamin Moore; benjaminmooreom . Curtains in a Christopher Hyland fabric; christopherhylandom . In bath, Venetian plasterwork walls by Alpha Workshops; alphaworkshoprg ; painted in Summer Blue by Benjamin Moore; benjaminmooreom . Palazzo antiqued-glass mirror, Edison milk glass vanity sconces, and Annecy metal-wrapped bath cabinet all by RH; rom . Lucas dining chair by Pottery Barn; potterybarnom .
Office Hours
Interior architecture and design by Rapt Studio; raptstudioom . In Paltrow’s office, Tower Dining Table from West Elm; westelmom . Buckle Desk Chair and Rossi Desk Chair by RH; rom . On terrace, heated outdoor furniture by Galanter & Jones; galanterandjoneom . In meeting/dining area, Odette tables by Massproductions; massproductions.se ; Half & Half Hemisphere pendants in brushed brass from Roll & Hill; rollandhillom . In seating area, Odette tables by Massproductions; massproductions.se ; Bob stools by Modus; modusfurnitureo.uk ; Hai chairs by Hem; hemom . In reception area, Dandy 4 Seater sofa by Massproductions; rug by The Rug Company; therugcompanom . In kitchen, sink fittings by Kohler; kohlerom ; built-in kitchen appliances by Signature Kitchen Suite; signaturekitchensuiteom .
Feast For the Eyes
Interiors by Stephen Sills Associates; stephensillom . In the den, George Spencer wallpaper; georgespencerom . 1950s Brazilian chairs. Heirloom Meissen porcelain. Carolina Herrera x Cabana plates; cabanamagazineom . Paul Arnhold glassware; paularnholdglasom . Christofle flatware; christofleom . In dining area, Baguès chandelier and 1950s Meribel Rush chairs by Charlotte Perriand. Custom plaster floor lamp by Stephen Sills Associates; stephensillom . Vases by Paul Arnhold glassware; paularnholdglasom . In living area, Frank Gehry cardboard chair; fogaom . Custom slipper chairs upholstered in custom fabric by Pintura Studio; pinturastudioom . Sofa covered in green mohair velvet by Rogers & Goffigan; rogersandgoffiganom . Gustavian sofa by Ephraim Stahl. 1970s Swedish carpet. In kitchen, wallpaper by Elizabeth Dow; elizabethdoom . Custom cabinets by Stephen Sills Associates; stephensillom . 1950s Pierre Jeanneret stools from Galerie Half; galeriehalom . Paul Arnhold glassware; paularnholdglasom . In entrance hall, walls painted in Amber winds and ceiling in Orchid Pink, both from Benjamin Moore; benjaminmooreom. 19th-century Italian Baroque bench. Williamsburg chair by Claude Lalanne. 1970s Aldo Tura table. Hand blown glass by Paul Arnhold; paularnholdglasom . On guest room walls, vintage acanthus print wallpaper. Ceiling painted in Nutmeg by Benjamin Moore; benjaminmooreom . Curtains of Remix by Kvadrat; maharamom . Bed by Blu Dot; bludoom . In bath, Paul Arnhold glass; paularnholdglasom . Directoire table. Russian chair. On bedroom walls, Alpine II vinyl wallcovering in hickory by Wolf Gordon; wolfgordonom . On ceiling, Farrow & Ball’s Smoked Trout; farrow-ballom . Headboard covered in Divina wool by Kvadrat; maharamom . Bedding from John Derian; johnderianom . Nightstand from Blackman Cruz; blackmancruom .