Material Selection of Dining Table

by Ronald Johnson

If you want the house to be decorated well, the choice of furniture is quite important. After all, furniture is something that comes into contact with every day, such as dining tables. If you don't know what kind of dining table to choose and how big the dining table should be, then read this article.

1. Rock board dining table

The rock plate is a translucent ceramic. It is used for commercial space, exterior wall and floor paving. Unexpectedly, the slate crossover to the furniture industry is so popular.

Common thickness choices of rock slabs are 3 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm.

Among them, 3 mm and 6 mm are too thin, and usually need to attach a layer of glass when used as a desktop or countertop. The cost after laminating glass may often be higher than that of thick plate. However, compared to thick plates, thin plates have more variety of patterns. It has a wider range of options.

9 mm and 11 mm rock plate products are relatively cheap and have relatively large shipments. They are products produced using ceramic tile production lines and non-rock slab processes. In many ways, it is very different from real rock slab products. Such as strength, ruggedness, hardness, stability, resistance to penetration, surface technology, etc.

12 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm rock slabs are of good quality and are used as countertops for dining tables and cabinets.

2. Marble Dining Table

The price of low-end series of rock slabs coincides with the price of various artificial marbles and laminated marbles. It invaded a large amount of low-end marble dining table market. At present, 90% of laminated marble merchants will not take the initiative to say that their products are laminated. The high-end natural marble dining table is more expensive.

3. Solid wood dining table

Solid wood dining tables should pay attention to the materials and workmanship.

Let's talk about the materials first. At present, most common solid wood dining table materials on the market are North American standard wood. Black walnut, white oak, red oak, hard maple, beech, cherry, white wax, boxwood, etc. There are a handful of teak. African and South American materials are too complicated. Ordinary consumers only recommend Kevazingo and Zebrano.

The size of the dining table is important. This depends on the structural space of your restaurant. A restaurant with 15-20 square meters can consider a rectangular or curved table with 80*140 cm. Or use a round dining table with a diameter of 100-120 cm. A 10-15 square meter dining room is suitable for a 60*120 cm rectangular or curved dining table.

If your home has a small space, you don’t want to put such a large dining table to waste space. You can choose a foldable dining table. When relatives and friends come to dinner, just stretch it out.

Many users have the wrong view that solid wood furniture assembled only with tenon and tenon structure is a good craft. They reject furniture assembled with metal fittings. In fact, the complete absence of metal fittings means that the dining table is basically impossible to disassemble. Package delivery will greatly increase logistics costs. These costs are also borne by consumers. It is quite necessary to use reasonable metal fittings. The specialized methods adopted for better structural stability or aesthetics. This requires a lot of additional costs. This is also the main embodiment of the process cost of the solid wood dining table.

In short, everyone should choose a table that suits them according to the economic situation. I hope everyone can choose a satisfactory table.


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